J-Party Collection AmiGaTo Duo

This doll is sold out.

Tea ceremony AmiGaTо Duo
Tea ceremony
Cool hot boy AmiGaTo Duo
Cool hot boy
AmiGaTo Duo as Edward Scissorhands
Edward Scissorhands
Sports collection AmiGaTо Duo
Sports collection AmiGaTо Duo
Sports collection AmiGaTо Duo
Sports collection AmiGaTо Duo
J-Party Collection AmiGaTo Duo
J-Party Collection AmiGaTo Duo
J-Party Collection AmiGaTo Duo

AmiGaTo Duo first was shown at Myths BJD-party at the end of September 2015 and was fully presented at International Doll Salon in Moscow at the beginning of October 2015 where three boys have taken part in J-Party as members of J-rock band “Shadow Government of Reptiloids”.

Timur sculpted a new asian body for Duo. The boy is 18 cm tall, somewhat shorter than the first Uno:

AmiGato Duo standingAmiGato Duo standingAmiGato Duo's backAmiGaTo Duo in lotus positionAmiGato Duo is sitting on his heelsAmiGato Duo is sittingAmiGato Duo is bendingAmiGato Duo compared to AmiGaTo Uno and AmiGaTa Dua with a third body
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